Adventures in YouTubeLand

In which I attempt to showcase my experiments in the world of YouTubing, Booktubing, gameplay videos, and so on in my quest to gain enough subscribers (and other such criteria) to get a custom channel URL… among other goals.

Due to changes in YouTube’s system, many of my now-uploaded videos can be considered a work in progress. There is the matter of adding end screens to those that are long enough to support them (I believe videos have to be at least 25 seconds in length to qualify), replacing annotations with cards, and so on.
As for the backlog of videos that are not uploaded, there is also the matter of editing them so that end screens will work better on them than on the current videos.

And here we have the official intro to my primary–and original–YouTube channel, showcasing my very messy room.

Good grief my room is a mess. Next goal, cleaning it up and keeping it clean. (Well, clean enough for YouTubing. 😉 )
Shall I, or shall I not, re-record the intro once that is done? Any thoughts on the matter?

Anyway, some of my current videos, which I will slowly embed onto this site as I see fit, are as follows:

  • Product/App Reviews (does not include media reviews)
  • Booktubing (does include book and movie reviews)
  • The occasional gameplay video
  • Photo challenge (random slideshows of photos I’d taken over the course of a given month)
  • And once in a while I might include one of my troubleshooting fails.

These videos all come from my main channel and my gaming channel.

Motorcycle videos, experimenting with camera mounts, and photo slideshows from trips will go on my motorcycle channel and, as such, would be embedded as needed onto my travel site.

Intro video recorded with a Logitech HD Pro C920. (Amazon Smile link with Affiliate Code included.)

Happy YouTubing!