More Places I Lurk

I’ve been researching different social networking or community sites and trying to build my online presence.

This particular site focuses mostly on my writing, frequently on gaming, and now and again on other random topics.
Here is just a start of where else I might be lurking:

Side Quest Publications (Patreon)
Where I am posting up the prologue to my novel-in-progress (a fantasy pirate novel titled The Graft) for free, and the remainder of the novel on a patron-only basis, until it is completed and published elsewhere.
I am still learning the site at present and plan to host other novels and short stories alike in a similar manner, depending on how well The Graft does.

Pioneers of the Shattered Waters (WordPress)
A site focusing on one of my story-verses. Though given how often alternate universes interfere, this site could conceivably be about any of my writing.
Also hosts the prologue to my novel-in-progress The Graft.
The deviantArt group inspired by that story-verse. Open for anyone to join with characters that travel, whatever their means. I have a special interest in those who find themselves displaced.

Whovian Crossover Cameos
Collects and reviews assorted Doctor Who etc fan works crossed with whatever else the Doctor Who actors have been in. Will occasionally include other Doctor Who works, crossover or no, but the intended focus is on those actor-based crossovers with a chance of mistaken identity.
I may eventually post my own works here, in addition to the other places I’ve posted them.
A deviantArt group with the same focus. Again, allows other works, but focuses on such crossovers.

Pioneers of the Shattered Waters (Tumblr)
A much newer account that will eventually feature work from my three WordPress writing sites.
Currently exists as a means to explore other social networking options. May be revised according to my social networking needs, should I decide to create a new blog on there.

Side Quest Publications
Currently just a hobby.
I post random videos that exist solely for the sake of practicing with my camera and/or with video editing software, as well as gameplay/let’s play videos I’ve produced entirely for the purpose of featuring here.
Some of those gameplay videos are related to my (eventual) Skyrim fanfic, while others are just me exploring the game’s modding features.
The gameplay takes a back seat to writing, blogging, and of course the job search, so the YouTube channel must, naturally, also take a lower priority. Thus, there are extremely few videos at the time of this writing.
Gaming With Side Quest Publications
A separate channel in which the gaming videos are “shared” for those subscribers interested in seeing nothing else. The videos are still hosted on my main channel, and only appear in playlists in the gaming channel.
Similarly focused channels are planned for other topics, including my motorcycle trips and, eventually, maybe writing.

National Novel Writing Month

Some (very little) drawing is to be found on my dA account. I mostly write, but am working on some ideas that need pictures.
For instance, I have this one-shot that I’d love to see done up as a comic. And I’ve tried cover pages to go with the longer stories.

Original Fiction:
These accounts have far less (thus far) than the fan fiction accounts, simply because I choose not to post much of my original work.
It has to do with first and reprint rights, nothing more.
I’m slowly adding photos, for print or stock, to the deviantArt gallery, as well as some few photos just to showcase events I’ve been to.

Works in progress:
FaceBook personal/professional page
FaceBook author page
I’ve seen fellow students and many career sites using LinkedIn, so I’d like to look at that one a little more.

1 Response to More Places I Lurk

  1. Pingback: Now on Tumblr | Side Quest Publications

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